Open Knowledge Belgium

Apps For Flanders: a student hackathon

Pieter Colpaert

Dear students, researchers or just graduated techies,

On Friday September 14th 2012 we are organising a Hackathon at the IBBT in Ghent.

Are you someone who can’t help writing a couple of lines of code when you should actually be studying or sleeping? Are you someone who hates comic sans and wants every application to look shiny? Are you a hacker at heart? Then you should participate in Apps For Flanders and cease the opportunity to win the Citadel On The Move price worth €2000. Your assignment is to work with data opened by the Flemish and Belgian government and transform it in something useful for the Flemish.

If you’re a student, you can register you or your team at

If you just want to stop by, please RSVP at

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Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

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